Thursday, February 1, 2024

Why Do I Have a Longing for More?

Artwork by Rosalie Garde


In a recent post, I mentioned women have a deep longing for more and better. W
hat is this deep longing about?  

I'd like to suggest the longing is really a desire for Jesus and heaven. It's a desire for perfect peace and happiness which isn't sustainable on earth.  That being said, the longing for more is a feeling wired into us from creation. It can be both good and bad. It depends on what our longing is for. 

"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal" Matt 6:19 (NIV).

Longing for more things, can be a problem. The verse above tells us not to store up things. But longing for more can be good in that God has work for us to do. He has people for us to see, places for us to go, missions for us to carry out. It's good to not just sit and stay where we are. 


Filling the void--the longing for more--begins with acknowledging that you are on this earth for a higher purpose than serving yourself. It's not about you. You are simply an ambassador for God.   

If God has a perfect plan for your life, doesn't it make sense to look for it? 

I don't want to encourage you to spin your wheels stuck in discontentment while you search for new meaning you are sure is evading you. I don't want you to get caught up in trying to force something to happen just for the sake of experiencing a thrilling feeling. I don't want you stuck in a pattern of constant striving followed by disappointment. 

Life is more than charismatic spiritual highs, and trips to sunny climates. When life is in a lull, it doesn't mean something is missing. These lulls are simply part of life.

Ask God for the right balance

God won't make your life perfect and exciting all the time, but he will guide you into his plan if you ask him to lead you daily. Will you be content to live a day at a time?

When God is leading you, chances are, your life won't look like much of anything new is happening. That's how God works for most of us. We plod along until the next unusual moment occurs. 

Our part is to ask God to take authority over our time, choices, energy, and relationships and then to settle into that prayer. To trust he is at work. To trust we are right where he wants us. 

Ask God to lead you into whatever it is he wants you to do in a day. That could mean asking him where to go online, what boundaries to set, where to take a walk, what chores to do, who to text, phone or interact with. 

God rarely shows us the big long-term picture. Even if he does, that big picture is worked out in small steps. Patience is required. Will you trust God to reveal what simple steps to need to take? 

I often pray:

"Lead me where you need me. Open my eyes to see what you need me to see. Open my ears to hear what you want me to hear. Grant me direction. I will listen for your nudges all day long." 

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