I've wanted to get this eBook for Christian women in midlife crisis into your hands as soon as I could.
I've wanted to get this eBook for Christian women in midlife crisis into your hands as soon as I could.
Putting it together ended up being a long process.
Nevertheless, it's loaded now on Amazon. It is in eBook form, but can be viewed on any computer screen as well as a Kindle, IPhone, or Ipad.
Nevertheless, it's loaded now on Amazon. It is in eBook form, but can be viewed on any computer screen as well as a Kindle, IPhone, or Ipad.
The book will look at the author's own midlife crisis and journey but is written to guide you through yours.
It covers common dilemmas of midlife, conclusions about how to handle the dilemmas, and suggests steps to implement to help you make sense of your journey and come through the other side.
Awesome, been waiting. I'm going to take a look right now.